economy and politics

The right abandons the conspiracy of the pucherazo after years sowing doubts about the electoral system

The right abandons the conspiracy of the pucherazo after years sowing doubts about the electoral system

The electoral blow is a ghost that the Spanish right invokes or buries depending on whether the polls benefit or harm them. After several electoral events openly warning of possible fraud in the general, regional and municipal elections, both PP and Vox have put aside their preventive hoaxes after the European elections in which both improved their results. Now it is the ultra Luis ‘Alvise’ Pérez who has taken the baton and has turned the flag of the conspiracy into the central axis of the campaign that has given him three seats in the European Parliament, developing an electoral tactic imported from Donald Trump in the United States , Javier Milei in Argentina or Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil.

Conspiracy theories about puzzling and irregularities in vote counting usually have, first of all, a preventive intention: to warn in advance of possible electoral fraud to mobilize the electorate. In recent years, both Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s PP and Vox have jumped on the bandwagon of questioning the results in advance and dropping the alleged scandal when election day ends. In the last European elections, the strategy has directly declined and in these elections they have found no reason to question the Spanish voting system.

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