economy and politics

The response of the National Trade Union Council to the fall in labor

Labour reform

The labor reform is part of the bills that collapsed on the last day of the first legislature of the year.

Although, on several occasions, attempts had been made to discuss the initiative, since it had not passed at least its first debate in the Legislature, the labor proposal was shelved.

(More context: Why the labor reform sank and did not reach extraordinary).

The fall of one of the flagship projects of the Petro government was the subject of discussion among different political and business sectors, including the National Trade Union Council.

Through a statement, the entity was in favor of filing the labor reform, highlighting this act as an opportunity to build consensus between the Government, Congress and other civil society actors.

“The National Trade Union Council shares the autonomous and independent decision to file the labor reform bill by the Congress of the Republic, after listening to the citizens, workers, academia and the productive sectors about the negative impact that this would have”reads the document.

(Read more: Guilds, in favor of the collapse of the Petro labor reform).

Labour reform.

(See: Labor reform: Petro government project sank in Congress).

On the other hand, the National Trade Union Council stressed the importance of carrying out a legislative debate “democratic and open” that allows Congress to make decisions that favor the greatest number of Colombians.

The entity reiterated its interest and its willingness to build together with all the actors involved “a legislation that, while improving the conditions of employees in the formal sector, defends and promotes the generation of employment and reduces informality”.


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