economy and politics

The regional meeting was held "The role of subnational governments in promoting territorial productive articulation initiatives"

On Tuesday, June 11, the first of a series of virtual events related to the network of subnational governments of Latin America and the Caribbean was held, oriented to the axes of the network around science, technology, innovation, productive development sustainable, financing of productive policies and territorial articulation programs. On this occasion, the theme of the meeting was the role of these governments in promoting territorial productive coordination initiatives.

Within the framework of the Platform of Cluster Initiatives and Other Initiatives for Territorial Productive Articulation (IAPT), the Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) seeks to encourage and promote associative work in the region. The meeting in collaboration with TCI Network, the Prefecture of the Province of Pichincha, the Conquito Economic Promotion Corporation and the Municipality of the Metropolitan District of Quito, featured initial greetings from Oliver Torres, director of TCI, Latin American chapter and director of strategy of the Chihuahua Central Economic Development Council, Mexico and Paola Pabón, Provincial Prefect of Pichincha, Ecuador.

Marco Llinás, director of the Productive Development Division of ECLAC, opened the space by contextualizing the reality of the last decade in the region and its low growth and productivity figures: “At ECLAC we are convinced that a good part of the productivity of Countries are defined from the subnational level, from the territories, with local actors and in that sense we could not have chosen a better topic for today. The role that subnational governments must play is fundamental if we want to deepen precisely these productive development efforts in the region,” said Llinás.

The meeting began with the presentation of Adriana Melo, national secretary of Regional and Territorial Development Policies of the Ministry of Integration of Brazil, on the integration of IAPT in a territorial productive transformation strategy and the experience of the “Rota APL” of Brazil . A success story that left concrete lessons about how the productive development policies of a territory and the territorial productive articulation initiatives have to be related and how they complement each other.

Continuing the meeting, the director of the Division spoke about the role that the different cluster initiatives and other IAPT could play for the productive development of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Next, a panel on productive development with a territorial focus and an associative dynamic was held, moderated by Marco Dini, economic affairs officer of the Productive Development Division, with the participation of Andrés Michel, Secretary of Economic Policy of the Province of Córdoba, Ulises Fernández, Secretary of Innovation and Economic Development of Chihuahua, Mexico, Gonzalo Criollo-Galván, Executive Director of CONQUITO of the Municipality of Quito and María Fernanda Galeano, secretary of economic development in Medellín

In this conversation, the speakers managed to address why subnational governments should be interested in an associative approach to promote productive development and how to promote associative work in their territories. Likewise, in the discussion it was evident that through the cluster initiative a dialogue is achieved with the rest of the national productive development policy.

To conclude, the attendees participated in a round of debate on the different topics that were presented about the cluster initiatives and other IATPs in the region.

The initiatives that ECLAC has called territorial productive articulation (cluster initiatives, business networks, local productive projects, supplier relations and programs for the development of productive chains) represent tangible examples of how to give life to these collective territorial efforts for development. productive. Promoting and promoting this associative work and addressing the role of subnational governments was the roadmap of this meeting.

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