economy and politics

The reasons why the price of bread reached 500 pesos

The reasons why the price of bread reached 500 pesos

At the beginning of this 2022 bread it cost 400 pesos, however today the price is between 500 and 600 pesos and a new rise in the value of one of the most consumed products in Colombian households is estimated.

(The effect of high inflation is already being felt in neighborhood stores).

“Very surely bread is going to have to rise,” Marcela Morales, executive director of the National Association of Bread Makers, Adepan, told ‘W Radio’.

The main reason is that rises in raw materials continue to affect bakers. According to Morales, the value of wheat flour increased by 26%, sugar by 41%, eggs by 25% and palm oil by 33%.

In addition, the director referred to the shortage of some foods necessary for production, which ends up affecting the supply of products such as pandebono and cassava bread in businesses.

“We have difficulties with starch, which is scarce, for example, in Valle del Cauca, there is less availability of cassava. It seems that the cassava planting is contracting a little“, said.

Finally, He asked the Government of Gustavo Petro to implement measures to mitigate the rise in bread. “The least we want from the union is to raise the bread because we know that it is a food of every day and every hour… We do not want to have a bread in a thousand pesos.”

*With information from EL TIEMPO

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