
The Prosecutor’s Office asks for 12 years in prison for Cristina Kirchner for alleged corruption

The Prosecutor's Office asks for 12 years in prison for Cristina Kirchner for alleged corruption

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The Argentine prosecutor’s office requested this Monday a sentence of 12 years in prison and perpetual political disqualification for the vice president for alleged corruption in the bidding for works when she was president (2007-2015). Kirchner announced on Twitter that on Tuesday she will make her public defense through the networks.

With Juan Buchet, RFI correspondent in Buenos Aires

Twelve years in prison, lifelong disqualification from holding public office, and a forfeiture of one billion dollars. It is the sentence that prosecutor Diego Luciani requested for Cristina Kirchner, accused of being the head of an illicit association and of fraudulent administration in the case called Vialidad.

According to the prosecutor, who presented his allegations during nine hearings, the current vice president and her twelve co-defendants participated in an act of corruption that for years directed the public works of the province of Santa Cruz, of which her ex-husband and former president Néstor Kirchner had been governor, towards the company of Lázaro Báez.

Báez, for whom the prosecutor also requested 12 years in prison, an obscure bank employee, became a successful construction businessman as soon as Kirchner assumed the presidency.

The trial will continue in the coming days with the arguments of the defense attorneys of the thirteen accused, to culminate with the sentences, at the end of the year. And if they confirmed what was requested by the prosecutor, Cristina Kirchner could appeal.

Meanwhile, his followers mobilized since Monday, first on social networks, then in front of the former president’s home, where they clashed with neighbors who supported the prosecutor’s request. And President Alberto Fernández, who fought with her vice president, supported her with a statement.

Backing of the Presidency

Minutes after the request for conviction made by prosecutor Diego Luciani was known, the Argentine presidency issued a repudiation statement.

“The national government condemns the judicial and media persecution against Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner that was expressed today, once again, in the final argument and request for punishment in the so-called Road Cause,” the text said.

After the request of the prosecutor, Kirchner’s house in Buenos Aires was the epicenter of antagonistic demonstrations separated by a strong police cordon: while some celebrated the request for conviction with Argentine flags and saucepans, the others sang in support of the vice president.

The cordon of heavily armed police kept the two groups apart and used tear gas at a time when they pushed Kirchner’s supporters, who were adding more people and were much more numerous than the opponents.

“Media-judicial execution”

Cristina Kirchner, 69 years old and a lawyer by profession, requested an extension of her preliminary statement for Tuesday, arguing that “in open violation of the principle of defense in court, (the prosecutors) mounted issues in her accusation that had never been raised “In the process, he wrote on Twitter.

But that possibility was denied by the court, which considered that his lawyers will be able to expand on the defense arguments, starting on September 5.

After the refusal, Kirchner announced on Twitter that on Tuesday he will make his public defense through the networks.

“If something was missing to confirm that I am not before a court of the Constitution, but before a media-judicial firing squad, it is to prevent me from the right to defense,” he tweeted.

Previously, Kirchner had requested the disqualification of judges Rodrigo Giménez Uriburu and Jorge Gorini, as well as prosecutor Luciani, but that request was dismissed.

For a sentence to be executed, it must be ratified by the Supreme Court of Justice. For this reason, even if she is convicted, Kirchner would remain free and could even be a candidate in the presidential and legislative elections of 2023.

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