The probabilities of the arrival of the ‘El Niño Phenomenon’ during the fourth quarter of this year rose to 85%, according to The Columbia Climate School’s.
(More than $50 billion it would cost to mitigate ‘El Niño’).
According to an advisory, the probability that this climatic phenomenon will occur during April-June is low (21%), but it will gradually increase to 49% in May-July, and then becomes the dominant category from June-August.
These weather phenomena usually persist for 9 to 12 months, although occasionally they persist for up to 2 years.
(Thermals, ready to face ‘El Niño’).
In addition, The Columbia Climate School’s noted that the ‘La Niña Phenomenon’ ended in March.
“Key oceanic and atmospheric variables are now consistent with ENSO neutral conditions. CPC issued a final La Niña advisory in March 2023, indicating the end of the event.” the notice says.