economy and politics

The PP amplifies suspicions about Pedro Sánchez's wife

The PP amplifies suspicions about Pedro Sánchez's wife

“There you are. Surely at home they are not very happy with what you have just decided. There you go.” The phrase was uttered by Alberto Núñez Feijóo to Pedro Sánchez in the control session on March 13. The leader of the PP thus reacted to the request of the President of the Government to demand the resignation of Isabel Díaz Ayuso due to the tax fraud committed and recognized by her partner. Feijóo did not give any name, but that day a strategy that the opposition had kept hidden until then became explicit: focusing on Sánchez's wife, Begoña Gómez, and suspicions about her business relationships and alleged influence peddling of which Different popular leaders have accused him despite the fact that he is not prosecuted in any way.

That parliamentary brawl revolved around the so-called 'Koldo case', the corruption plot in the purchase of medical supplies during the pandemic that affects the central government and is being investigated by the National Court. To defend himself, Sánchez resorted to the information, advanced by, about the tax problems of Alberto González Amador, partner of the president of Madrid. A scandal that today has escalated due to the commission agent's relations with the Quirón group and due to doubts about the apartments that the commission agent and Ayuso share.

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