
The Portuguese city of Porto approves to restrict the number of tourist buses and tuks-tuks

The Portuguese city of Porto approves to restrict the number of tourist buses and tuks-tuks

Jul 23. () –

The Portuguese city of Porto has approved this Monday to restrict the number of tourist buses and tuks-tuks operating in the city, whose numbers will be reduced to 24 and 40 respectively, which represents a reduction of more than half of those currently in operation, a measure that aims to alleviate the ever-increasing tourist pressure on public spaces.

Tourist buses will only be allowed to make stops at the Camélias, Asprela and Alfandega terminals, and a restricted zone will be created for unauthorized tourist circuits and discretionary transport, according to the Portuguese newspaper ‘Público’.

“If we do not create a buffer, this empty space – referring to works for the extension of the Metro – will be occupied by a commercial tourist operation, as we are already seeing today. Public space is scarce and, therefore, it must be managed,” said the mayor of the city, Rui Moreira.

The legislation also provides for all small tourist vehicles to be required to be electric, use a licence plate and provide a GPS signal to municipal authorities. The tourist train operating in the city will be allowed to continue operating until 2026, when it will be denied a licence renewal.

The opposition, for its part, has expressed its satisfaction with the measures presented, which, although they do not have a specific date for their entry into force, the authorities believe that they could begin to operate at the end of August.

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