
The political groups to which your vote reaches on 9-J from Spain

The political groups to which your vote reaches on 9-J from Spain

The European elections start this Thursday, June 6, with 27 different national electoral processes in each of the Member States. Netherlands is the first country to open its polls in a electoral appointment that is set between June 6 and 9this last day being the one chosen to vote in most countries, as in Spain.

The new cycle of institutional renewal of the European Union is already underway and the result of the 9-J elections will define the forces of power in Brussels and the distribution of high community positions, such as the presidency of Parliament, the European Commission or the position of High Representative of the Union.

As there is no common general regulation for this electoral process, each Member State applies its own rules to directly elect 720 MEPs. For this reason, the seats of the European Parliament are chosen in each of the Twenty-seven and are national political parties those who present candidates in the European elections.

Once the MEPs have been elected, the parties They join transnational political groups. To form a group, 23 members are necessary and in each of them a quarter of the Twenty-Seven must be represented. But, What do we vote for and for whom in the European elections?

In Parliament there are seven different political formations: the European People’s Party (EPP)the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D), Renew Europe, the Greens/European Free Alliance, the European Conservatives and Reformists, Identity and Democracy and the Left. Furthermore, we must add the group of non-registeredwhere three MEPs from Together for Catalonia.

The European People’s Party

It has 177 MEPs from the liberal conservative forces of the European center-right and is the majority group in Parliament. The PP has 13 Spanish MEPs in the EPP.

They propose creating a more competitive and democratic Europe with policies focused on migration, trade and employment.

The Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats

It is made up of 143 MEPs and among them There are 21 members of the PSOE and PSC. The S&D is the second force in the European Parliament.

Social Democrats advocate promoting Defense and fight against climate changewhere feminism and equality are key factors in promoting the young vote.

Renew Europe

With 102 parliamentarians, this party is the one they belong to the PNV (1 MEP) or Citizens (7 MEPs).

Liberals seek the defense and protection of the EU rule of law. is defined as a pro-European formation that seeks to solve the major concerns of Europeans.

The Greens/European Free Alliance

72 members of environmental parties belong to this group, such as the BNG (1 MEP) and CKD (2 MEPs).

The proposals of this group focus on The environmental protectionthe fight against climate change and social justice to guarantee equality and human rights.

European Conservatives and Reformists

Are Eurosceptics and antifederalists. They have 68 members, and among them, four of Vox They are part of this group.

Your bet is focused on the free market to promote a Europe with a shift towards decentralization and less bureaucracy. His proposals include fair and free trade, economic recovery and reform of the immigration system.

Identity and Democracy

It has 59 MEPs from the Italian Lega, the National Rally of France or the AfD of Germany.

Creating jobs, strengthening security and the fight against illegal immigration are some of the priorities of this political group.

The Left in the European Parliament

With 37 MEPs, it is the minority group in the European Parliament. It is an alliance of socialist and communist parties, and they belong to it Can (3 MEPs) or United Left (1 MEP).

They bet on climate and tax justiceworkers’ rights and the fight for human rights in the European Union.

When does each Member State vote in the European elections?

Estonia Electronic voting began this Monday and it is the only country that allows it. Netherlands The polls open this Thursday, June 6, to elect 31 MEPs to the European Parliament. One day later, June 7, vote Ireland. Between June 7 and 8, the Czech Republicand this Saturday, June 8, it is the turn of Latvia, Malta and Slovakia.

Some countries like Italy They have decided to divide their election day into two days, June 8 and 9. This is the country that closes its polling stations later, on Sunday at 11:00 p.m. In Francevoting begins on June 8 in the territories of Guadeloupe, Martinique and French Guiana, while the rest of the country votes on June 9.

The majority of Member States vote Sunday June 9as is the case of Spain. Each country has its own rules for voting and some establish a minimum threshold of votes to win a seat in the European Parliament.

Spain along with thirteen other Member States do not have it, but nine countries do: Czech Republic, France, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia, which set it at 5%; Italy, Austria and Sweden with 4%; Greece with 3% and Cyprus with 1.8%. Besides, It is mandatory to go to vote in Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Belgium and Greece.

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