
The Polisario calls Morocco’s aspirations to preside over the UN Human Rights Council an “insult”

The Polisario calls Morocco's aspirations to preside over the UN Human Rights Council an "insult"


The representation of the Polisario Front at the UN in Geneva has branded Morocco’s aspirations to preside over the United Nations Human Rights Council as “lack of seriousness, an insult to Africa and ridiculous behaviour”.

“How is it possible that an occupying power like the Kingdom of Morocco, which deprives the people of Western Sahara of their inalienable right to self-determination and independence, a fundamental principle of the United Nations Charter, violates UN resolutions and contradicts a verdict of the International Tribunal in The Hague, can opt for a position like this”, has questioned the Saharawi representation, according to a statement collected by the SPS agency.

The representation has expressed its concern after the announcement that Morocco would try to chair said council, and has assured that they are considered by the UN itself as an “occupying power that militarily controls territories of the last colony in Africa”, something that “flagrantly violates” the Constitutive Act of the African Union.

“Morocco continues to benefit from the veto against the inclusion of Human Rights monitoring in the mandate of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO), has the Saharawi civilian population subjected to a repressive police regime and a permanent siege in the occupied areas, has expelled some 300 observers of some twenty nationalities in recent years and has confined more than 40 Saharawi political prisoners”, he added.

The Polisario Front has also recalled that Morocco violated the ceasefire in November 2020 and whose attacks have left more than 80 civilians dead due to the use of drones. In addition, he has assured that the country is a threat to the region and that it is “plundering” the resources of Western Sahara.

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