The Police Directorate during the Government of the Popular Party proposed to the Venezuelan citizen Carlos Alberto Arias that he be granted a Spanish residence permit, alleging that he provided “invaluable collaboration in the protection of the security of the State.” As revealed by the investigation being carried out in the National Court, Arias is behind the hoax that attributed to Pablo Iglesias a bank account in the tax haven of the Grenadines, in the Caribbean, supposedly used to deposit funds from Venezuela.
In one of the documents included in the investigation, the General Commissioner of Immigration at the time, Emilio Baos, stated that Carlos Alberto Arias had been proposed to obtain residency in an extraordinary manner by the General Secretariat of the Deputy Operational Directorate, the body that Led by Commissioner Eugenio Pino, accused in the cause of the dirty war against Podemos and considered the architect of the political brigade.
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