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The opening of the judicial year and political news, live

The opening of the judicial year and political news, live

9:50 a.m.

Belarra describes the attitude of the PP with the Judiciary as a “soft blow to democracy”

The Minister of Social Rights and General Secretary of Podemos, Ione Belarra, describes the blockade of the General Council of the Judiciary by the PP as a “soft blow to democracy”. Belarra denounces that those of Feijóo are “in breach of the Constitution and committing an illegality”, by refusing to negotiate the renewal of the CGPJ. “They have a lot of media support that covers their shame, but it is very serious,” she said during an interview on Wednesday on RNE.

The minister raises the need for the main opposition party to “return to the path of legality”, although she has been skeptical about it because she believes that her attitude has a clear political intention. “What the PP wants is to continue protecting its corrupt and continue to oppose the Government through the Judiciary, and that is intolerable in a democracy,” she concluded.

Reports Enrique Monrosi.

9:43 a.m.

Echenique asks Batet to adapt the Congress for people with disabilities

The spokesperson for United We Can in Congress, Pablo Echenique, has sent a letter to the president of Congress to ask her to undertake as many reforms as are necessary in the chamber with the aim of being able to carry out her work in the same conditions as the rest of the deputies. “The issue is whether the seat of popular sovereignty, in the fourth economy of the Euro Zone, in the XXI century, is going to facilitate the material conditions so that discrimination is not exercised against elected deputies with disabilities who can become Spokespersons of his Group or he will not do it”.

Echenique regrets that “two and a half years have already passed” of the legislature, for which he defines the current situation as “simply unacceptable” and recalls that “at the moment, a Group Spokesperson who travels in a wheelchair and cannot get out of the of it, he has two options: either he carries out his activity from the last row (known as a “chicken coop”), apart from his own Parliamentary Group and having to climb the elevator – without a roof and without walls – of the cafeteria, which which may even put an important vote at risk, or it is situated – as I have been doing since the beginning of the legislature – at the bottom, in the middle of the chamber, just ahead of the Government caucus, without a physical seat and also separated from his group. At the same time and when speaking from the speakers’ gallery, a deputy in a wheelchair cannot use the gallery used by all the others and which is just in front of the President’s Office, but must be placed – again – at the bottom , in the middle of the hemicycle, and use a small portable tribune”. Something that is discriminatory, Echenique points out, with respect to the rest of the spokespersons: “Another possible solution so that the Spokespersons who move in a wheelchair can carry out their parliamentary work in conditions of equality with the rest of the Spokespersons would be that the Speaker Cuca Gamarra , the Speaker Patxi López and all the other Speakers of all the Parliamentary Groups will carry out their work from a seat in the chicken coop”, he concludes.

Inform Joseph Monrosi.

8:31 a.m.

Lesmes inaugurates the judicial year with the General Council of the Judiciary in office for the fourth consecutive year and pending the Constitutional

The Plenary Hall of the Supreme Court receives this Wednesday King Felipe VI, the president of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ), Carlos Lesmes, and the deputy prosecutor of the Supreme Court, Ángeles Sánchez Conde, for the opening of the new judicial year 2022- 2023. The new State Attorney General, Álvaro García Ortiz, was scheduled to attend the event, but he will not be able to attend because he has tested positive for coronavirus.

This year’s will be marked by negotiations to agree on the names of the two magistrates that the Council must appoint to the Constitutional Court and the blockade of the CGPJ, which extends its expired mandate by almost four years. As has happened in the last four openings, Lesmes is expected to highlight the interim situation of the judges’ governing body.

Last year, the president of the CGPJ described the situation as “unsustainable” for the judiciary and urged the political forces to leave this issue out of the “partisan struggle” and reach an agreement in “the coming weeks.” On that occasion, he insisted that this anomaly was due to “causes that are completely unrelated to him” and recalled that it is the Congress and the Senate who must appoint new members every five years, a term that is not “merely indicative”, but they “are obliged” to respect it.

inform Europe Press Y

Eight members of the conservative bloc of the Judiciary entrench themselves to boycott the renewal of the Constitutional

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