Danish scientist Rene Forsberg has claimed that what was long thought to be the northernmost island in the world it turned out not to be an island, but a iceberg covered with dirt and gravel, according to statements to the DPA agency. Danish and Swiss scientists discovered the iceberg, which they believed to be an island, to the north greenland last year. Now it has been discovered that there is water under it. Forsberg has indicated that none of all the alleged islands found since 1978 turned out to be a real island.
ice covered island
In 2022, a Swiss-Danish team named the alleged island – which measured 30 by 60 meters – as Qeqertaq Avannarleq, which in Greenlandic means “northernmost island”, and which is located about 800 meters from the island of Oodaaq. Oodaaq’s status as an islet is now also in question.
They have given it the name of Qeqertaq Avannarleq, which means “the northernmost island” in the world, and it is a few meters from Cape Morris Jesup, the northernmost point of Greenland. A group of researchers from the University of Copenhagen thought they had reached Oodaaq, an islet discovered by another Danish research team in 1978. But in fact it led them to what appears to be the northernmost islet on the planet.
The leader of the expedition is Morten Rasch, scientific director of the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management at the University of Copenhagen, who has commented on this discovery, “nobody had done that before, as the area is permanently covered by two or three meters of sea ice”.
The Tracked Expedition ‘Leister Go North’ 2022 has visited in August this year the positions where they have been registered small islands over the years. “We wanted to check once and for all if the coordinates were correct and if they were real islands. We discovered that they are not., Forsberg has declared to the Danish portal Videnskab.dk. “No one had done that before, as the area is permanently covered by two or three meters of sea ice», adds the scientist.
Font: EUROPE PRESS, 20 minutes,
Reference article: https://www.20minutos.es/noticia/5055132/0/descubren-que-la-island-most-northern-in-the-world-is-not-land-firm-it-turns-out-being-a-covered-iceberg- gravel/
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