Intel has announced its upcoming low power processors of the fifteenth generation, the Intel Lunar Lake. These processors have new features, among which the premiere of the next generation of Intel graphics called Xe2. This generation based on Battlemage has received support by the library Intel Open Image Denoise v2.3.0in charge of remove noise in images and is part of the Intel Rendering Toolkit.
Under open source license, this utility has now received support so that it can be used by Intel Xe2 based on Battlemage. Specifically, it has received support for the Integrated Intel Xe2 in the next processors, which for now has only been announced in the Intel Lunar Lake, but has also received support for the Intel Xe2-HPGwhat are the Intel discrete graphics based on Battlemage and that the manufacturer has not yet presented. In addition to incorporating this new feature, this set of tools also can be used with solutions NVIDIA, AMD and even Apple.
At the moment there are no more clues about the upcoming dedicated Intel Battlemage graphics cards, since in the past COMPUTEX Intel only He showed us the ones integrated into the Lunar Lake. We look forward to hearing more news about this next generation of Intel graphics with dates closest to its releaserumored to before Black Friday this year.
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Juan Antonio Soto
I am a Computer Engineer and my specialty is automation and robotics. My passion for hardware began at the age of 14 when I broke down my first computer: a 386 DX 40 with 4MB of RAM and 210MB of hard drive. I continue to give free rein to my passion in the technical articles I write for Geeknetic. I dedicate most of my free time to video games, contemporary and retro, on the more than 20 consoles I have, in addition to the PC.
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