
The NATO summit in Madrid and political news, live

9:29 a.m.

Yolanda Díaz remains the best valued leader

Yolanda Díaz remains the best valued political leader. The Second Vice President and Minister of Labor has a rating of 37.7% and despite retaining that first position, it falls more than five points compared to the figure for May, when her popularity was 42.9%, according to the survey of Simple Logic for Diaz is disapproved, however, by 50.1% of the population.

After Yolanda Díaz, the second politician who generates the most sympathy among the participants in the survey is Pedro Sánchez, who has 33.5% support. He falls compared to the data for May (36.3%), but exceeds the leader of the PP. Alberto Núñez Feijóo falls to 31% and moves to third place, after being in second position in May, when his assessment was 36.4%.

After these three leaders and still above 20% are Iñigo Errejón (27.6%) and Alberto Garzón (20%). Both fall, almost seven points in the case of the president of Más País, who in May had a valuation of 34.1% and three points in that of IU, which was at 23.1% last month.

With less than 20% there are already Inés Arrimadas (19.8%), Santiago Abascal (18.5%) and Ione Belarra (11.2%). The leader of Ciudadanos leaves four points since the last poll, and that of Podemos, three tenths. However, the president of Vox rises, a few tenths, from 17.8%.

Consult the rest of the data in the piece by Marcos Pinheiro and Ana Ordaz.

9:14 a.m.

The P.P. ahead of the PSOE, although without the Feijóo effect, according to the survey by Simple Lógica for

The PP has lost the ‘Feijóo effect’ and, although it falls in voting intention, it is still ahead of the PSOE and would win the elections if they were held today. This is what the Simple Lógica survey for says, which places the popular in first place, with 26.8% of the votes, 2.4 points less than a month ago. Despite this drop, it would continue to be above the results it obtained in 2019, in which it gathered 21.2% of the votes.

The Socialists also drop and thus chain their third consecutive poll in decline. If elections were held today, they would be done with 25.2% of the support, far from the 28% of 10N. In third place would remain Vox, which would reach 19.6%, that is, a rise of 1.3 points since May, which places them close to 20%, more than four points compared to the previous elections.

United We Can, for its part, rises seven tenths and is in fourth place with 11.1% of the votes. Despite everything, it is still below the result of November 2019, when it managed to gather 12.8% of the support. Finally, Citizens falls again. This time he gives up half a point and would not be able to add more than 2.3% of the votes.

See all the data in this piece by Marcos Pinheiro and Ana Ordaz

8:37 a.m.

The king and Sánchez meet with Biden on the eve of the NATO summit

The King, Felipe VI, and the Head of Government, Pedro Sánchez, will hold meetings this Tuesday with the President of the United States, Joe Biden, on the eve of the start of the NATO summit that will be marked by the war in Ukraine and that will approve the Alliance’s priorities for the coming years.

Biden and the rest of the leaders of the 40 delegations attending the summit and the events organized in its context will arrive in Madrid throughout the day and will have a first joint meeting at the dinner that Felipe VI will offer them at the Royal Palace. Sánchez will hold bilateral meetings today with four of them: Biden and the prime ministers of Australia, Anthony Albanese; New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern; and Iceland, Katrin Jakobsdóttir.

Sanchez and Biden, who will appear before journalists in Moncloa at the end of their meeting, met for the first time at the NATO summit in Brussels in June last year. Later they have coincided in other international events such as the G20 summit in Rome and a meeting last March in Brussels between the US president and the EU leaders.

With information from EFE.

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