economy and politics

The Multi-stakeholder Political Dialogue Roundtables successfully conclude in Santa Fe, Argentina

The Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Economic and Social Planning (ILPES) of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) held the Multi-Stakeholder Political Dialogue Tables on August 22 and 23 and September 26 and 27, 2024. in Santa Fe, as part of the participatory development of the Metropolitan Commitment 2040 of the City of Santa Fe, Argentina.

The technical assistance was organized by ILPES and the Cooperation, Investment and Foreign Trade Agency (ACICE) of the City of Santa Fe in conjunction with the General Secretariat and the Government Secretariat of that city, the Honorable Municipal Council, and the Ente Coordination of the Metropolitan Area (ECAM).

In total, 5 dialogue tables were held with different actors from the Santa Fe Metropolitan Area. Public officials from the executive branch of different localities participated in the Executive Branch Dialogue Tables, including the participation of mayors and community presidents.

For its part, the Dialogue Tables of the Legislative Branch included the participation of councilors who were members of the legislative Municipal Council. Finally, at the Citizen Table, the call was to neighbors and members of the Neighborhood Councils of the 27 localities that make up the Metropolitan Area.

Through participatory methodologies that encourage dialogue, problems regarding connectivity and road infrastructure were diagnosed; waste management; and productive development and genuine employment. From there, central objectives were defined that were transformed after a SWOT analysis into strategic guidelines that will serve as a roadmap for the Metropolitan Commitment to the year 2040.

The Dialogue Tables, which offered a dynamic environment of learning and collaboration that facilitated the exchange of experiences and the construction of a sharing, were carried out within the framework of the AECID Project 2023-2024, Work Line 3: “Strengthening capacities for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda”, Component A – Territorial dimension: Strengthening planning capacities for the generation of state policies and the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the territories.

The Metropolitan Commitment of the Santa Fe Metropolitan Area will be launched during November taking the inputs generated in these participatory instances.

The ILPES team acted as designer and facilitator of the Dialogue Tables. Participated: Alicia Williner, Luis Riffo and María del Pilar Délano.

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