
The main party of the Italian right recovers the fascist motto “God, country and family”

The main party of the Italian right recovers the fascist motto "God, country and family"

Aug. 6 () –

The Brothers of Italy party, the first conservative option with a view to the next legislative elections, has used the motto “God, country and family” to which the fascists appealed in the 1930s of the last century, which has sparked controversy in the country a month and a half before the September 25 elections.

The leader of the party, Giorgia Meloni, has defended that it is not a slogan, but “the most beautiful manifesto of love”, A manifesto that “crosses the centuries and has its roots in Cicero’s ‘pro Aris et Focis’ “, according to the Italian newspaper ‘La Reppublica’.

“It is the altar and the home that have always been at the foundation of Western civilization,” according to Meloni, who feels “heir to a tradition, a culture, an identity and a belonging.”

Meloni openly defends the “Christian roots”, the “sacred” and “our spirituality” in “a battle at the European level”, some quotes from the October 2021 event in Madrid in an event with Vox.

For Meloni, the homeland is a nation inhabited by patriots, in the Mediterranean, “cradle of our civilization.” The family for its part is “the fundamental nucleus for procreation”, today attacked by those who question “sexual identity”.

The author Gigi Marcucci has pointed out that “every time fascism reappears, many people have a hard time recognizing it.” “He is like a rich relative, but with a shameful past, that he suddenly touches you as a talker.” Thus, he has pointed out the “ambiguous” character of the “third way” that formally rejects the fascism of the 20th century, but cites its slogans, such as this “God, country and family”.

The slogan was coined in 1931 by the then general secretary of the National Fascist Party, Giovanni Giuriati, who addressed the young militants in the publication ‘Fascist Youth’, reminding them of the importance of order, discipline, obedience, sacrifice for the country and by the leader under the slogan “God, country and family”.

The different Italian political parties are putting together these days the coalitions to attend the next legislative elections, but at the moment the one led by the Democratic Party (centre-left) leads the polls with 25 percent voting intention, followed by the bloc de Hermanos de Italia (23 percent) to which other parties such as the League (13 percent) may be added. Behind is the Five Star Movement (11 percent).

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