economy and politics

The main concerns of Aliadas regarding the tax

The main concerns of Aliadas regarding the tax

In the tax reform approved in the first debate in Congress, “The tax burden is excessive and will weaken the performance of the country’s productive sector”. This was planted by the Aliadas union that yesterday analyzed the implications of the government initiative for the business fabric.

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Tax reform today discourages “the generation of employment, national and foreign investment and the process of sustainable economic development of the country”, explained María Claudia Lacouture, executive president of the Colombo-American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham Colombia) and president of Aliadas, an alliance of 38 unions and business associations that celebrated its first year of work.

The union leader said that although the private sector has been able to hold a dialogue with the Minister of Finance, José Antonio Ocampo, “there is still a long way to go to achieve a reform that has the necessary resources for the country but that does not affect the viability of the business fabric”.


Lacouture said that “since the reforms of the 1990s, important efforts have been made to integrate the country into the world. Without a doubt, this initiative makes us less competitive in two ways: because we are more expensive than other countries and because of the lack of stability. legal”.

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He expressed his concern that in the reform approved in the first debate Non-resident individuals and entities with a Significant Economic Presence are taxed (PES) in the country, on income from the sale of goods and/or provision of services to customers in Colombia.

According to Aliadas, for the commercialization of goods there will be a PES when there is a marketing deployment with 300,000 users or more, and the value of the gross income obtained in the year is greater than $1,189 million. For service purposes, the PES rules will apply, regardless of the number of users or income obtained by the service provider.

For Allies, the payment of income tax by companies that operate globally, without fiscal domicile in each of the countries where they do so, has been discussed in the OECD for some time in order to establish a global taxation standard. . Given this, the union asks the Government to wait for the OECD’s pronouncement on the matterto make a consensual and coordinated decision at the international level.


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