
The LGTBI secretary of the PSOE sets the party’s feminists on fire for applauding Calvo’s fall for his rejection of the trans law

The wound in the PSOE due to the trans law that guarantees gender self-determination is far from closed. The possibility that transsexual people change their registered sex without any requirement confronts an important sector of the feminism of the party with the Government of Pedro Sánchez and the spirits have heated up after a few words from the LGTBI secretary, Víctor Gutiérrez, in which he celebrates that People who “have done a lot of damage to the party” have been removed “from the very first line” for their opposition to that rule, in a clear allusion to former Vice President Carmen Calvo. These statements, made at an event organized by the UGT on the occasion of Pride, have lit a fuse in which prominent leaders have attacked Gutiérrez and have come out in defense of the former Secretary of Equality, who has spoken ironically through Twitter: “From stumble to stumble… and so on.”

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“I am aware that there are many voices that represent the PSOE that do harm, but we must value the swerve that the party has given in recent months,” says Gutiérrez at one point in the talk that has set the feminists of the party on fire. match. Gutiérrez refers to the celebration of the 40th Congress in October in which, according to him, Pedro Sánchez was “ideologically in favor of carrying out this LGTBI and trans law” and values ​​the creation of the LGTBI secretariat that he occupies in the which has been his landing in politics from the world of sports as a water polo player. The person in charge of the Ferraz area also highlights the fact of “separating from the very first political line certain voices that have done a lot of damage and that had positions contrary to this law” in reference to Calvo, although the resistance to gender self-determination contained in the law promoted by Irene Montero are generalized in socialist feminism.

“We are all people, we make mistakes, we make mistakes but we also rectify. The PSOE has had a misstep that it has been able to redirect”, says Gutiérrez: “Being such a large party, so many majorities, with many people, it is very difficult for everyone to be aligned”.

His words have fallen like a bucket of cold water in the direction of the PSOE itself. The person in charge of Equality, Andrea Fernández, has made the words of her partner ugly, although without making a direct reference to the controversy. “The PSOE stands on hundreds of hands that intertwine and succeed with the aim of working for values ​​as high as equality or social justice,” says the socialist leader, who praises Calvo, from whom she received “the witness” of the Secretary of Equality, which is the most relevant sectoral area of ​​the executive.

The spokesperson for Equality in Congress, Laura Berja, has spoken in similar terms. “Because you were we are. It is an honor to work with Carmen Calvo as a feminist and socialist comrade and president of the Equality Commission of Congress”, says the deputy.

Calvo was the former Vice President of the Government and head of Equality of the PSOE when the trans law began to be negotiated within the coalition and showed her discrepancies with the drafts prepared by the Ministry of Equality. In line with much of the feminism linked to the PSOE, Ella Calvo defended that the change in the registry of sex should have some guarantees, among which she raised the testimony of witnesses. She finally lost that battle and the law that the Executive has approved contemplates gender self-determination without conditions. Sánchez dispensed with Calvo in the remodeling of the Government that he undertook last summer in a decision that was attributed to the wear and tear of the former vice president and also to his bad harmony with United We Can, largely due to the laws that had to do with the Equality portfolio .

Beyond the messages of support for Calvo, veteran socialists have claimed the work that feminism has done within the party. “There are many and they are feminist women who have done great things for this country and for the PSOE. Someone is confused if they think that feminism has been an accident in the PSOE”, said former deputy Ángeles Álvarez, one of the most recognized faces of that sector of the party, today far from the front line and very angry with the approval of the law trans.

After the video went viral in which Gutiérrez points to Calvo’s fall as one of the positive elements that Sánchez has carried out towards the LGTBI collective, he reaffirmed himself on Twitter: “Happier and safer than ever to defend what I think, and do it in the best possible place. Let no one doubt that we will be with those who need us most: trans people.”

Some leaders responsible for the LGTBI area of ​​the party have also come out in his defense, such as the one from Madrid, Santi Rivero: “It is a pleasure to share activism and the party with you, Víctor Gutiérrez. We continue to advance, as always, to make Spain a more open and respectful country towards LGTBI people”. The chief of staff of the deputy secretary general, Adriana Lastra, has also spoken along these lines:

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