economy and politics

‘The king of the anchetas’: the businessman who modernizes the tradition

Christmas anchet.

One of the most deeply rooted traditions in Colombian homes at this time of the year is to give anchetas. It is estimated that every December in the country the 80% of families receive this detail.

The Shalom Food Company It has become popular in Colombia due to the variety of presentations and products that they offer in their wallets.

(See: Mr. Buñuelo expects to bill $4,000 million for Christmas).

The leader of this company is Orlando Ávila Martínez, known as the ‘king of the anchetas’, who through his company distributes approximately 700 thousand packages of this product throughout the country this December season.

“Currently we participate in all sales channels to public entities, with a strategy, commercial structure, financial leverage and very competitive products, the vast majority of which are factory-made. The institutional channel for us is strategic and as such we invest time and resources in its adequate consolidation with increasingly demanding goals. This is how we offer a quality product in one of the most important times of the year, both for us and for Colombians” it states Orlando Avila, CEO of Shalom Food Company.

(See: Christmas bonus: how many workers in Latin America receive it).

Avila got the nickname of ‘the king of anchetas’ thank you to popularity and innovation that he has had together with his company to bring to the market a great diversity of presentations of the anchetas.

“Our system is modular and has the ability to adapt to any expectation, with content that will always give our customers a pleasant experience, with a very competitive price and the best presentation. The variety of our products is well recognized in the market and has given us the opportunity to open more doors and reach more families” says Avila Martinez.

(See: How much Colombians will allocate this year to Christmas shopping).

Currently the Colombian brand A tender has been won with a state entity to be the suppliers and logisticians for the distribution, transport and packaging of anchetas for the year 2022.

Christmas anchet.


What should an ancheta have?

The anchetas are a good gift for this Christmas season and among its products should not be missing:

Snacks: you can choose sweets, savory foods or a combination of the two.

Customize them: Currently, people take more care of themselves in food and eat healthily. Therefore, you can take into account the tastes of the person to whom you will deliver the ancheta and include foods of your choice.

Packing: The way in which the ancheta is delivered is also important because it is the first thing the person sees, for this reason, a nice package that alludes to the Christmas season can be an excellent option.

(See: The turkey, in the list of favorite foods in the holiday season).

Anchetas in Colombia They vary in price depending on the number of products, their brands and the place where they are purchased. some may cost from $50,000 to $100,000.

And in the most unusual cases it could reach a value of $20 million pesos with 32 products, according to Shalom.


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