
The King of Fighters: a beloved installment of the saga will come to Switch and PS4

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There is very good news for fans of the king of Fightersas SNK revealed interesting news for The King of Fighters XV and also confirmed that a beloved installment of the saga can finally be enjoyed on Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4.

Find out: A the king of Fighters style of Smash and multiversus? SNK wants to do it

Related video: The good, the bad and the meh of The King of Fighters XV

The King of Fighters XIII will reach more systems

SNK announced by surprise The King of Fighters XIII: Global Match, version of the title that will come to Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4. There is still no date for the game’s debut; however, we know that PS4 players will be able to try it out before its release.

This will be possible thanks to an Open Beta that is scheduled for the summer, on a date to be confirmed. The title will have improved online functions and netcode rollback since its release, which is undoubtedly excellent news. Below you can see the trailer of the announcement:

More fighters are on their way to The King of Fighters XV

After its revelation a few weeks ago, there is finally a date for Kim Kaphwan to join the roster of the most recent installment. The taekwondo expert will be available from April 4 as a DLC character. The surprise is that SNK confirmed more fighters.

Season 2 will have a total of 7 characters, including Sylvie Paula Paula and Najd, who will debut sometime this summer. Lastly, it was confirmed that Goenitz will join the roster as part of a free update, also in the summer. For now there are no confirmed dates.

In case you missed it: why new the king of Fighters They don’t make it to Switch? SNK reveals it

In this link you will find all the news related to the king of Fighters.

Related video: The iceberg of the king of Fighters

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