Science and Tech

The keys to the growth of photovoltaic self-consumption

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He photovoltaic self-consumption The number of solar panels in Spanish homes has experienced a significant growth in recent years. This is due to several factors, such as the search for renewable energies that reduce energy consumption and environmental impact, as well as promoting savings. In addition, the decrease in the price of photovoltaic panels has allowed more citizens to decide to opt for this sustainable alternative.

The advantages of self-consumption solar panels

In the words of David Alonso Reviriego, CEO of Solar Island, a leading company in the installation of solar panels for self-consumption, “the benefits are multiple: in addition to reducing energy dependence, the use of this energy also allows for significant savings on the electricity bill.” As this self-consumption trend becomes consolidated in the Spanish market, a further increase in self-consumption photovoltaic installations is expected.

Sustainability is one of the issues that most concerns today’s society. In fact, the Spanish Government has regulated energy self-consumption and offers incentives to promote the use of renewable energy. By reducing the use of conventional sources, air pollution and environmental impact are significantly reduced.

Why you are interested in self-consumption photovoltaic installation

The installation of self-consumption photovoltaic panels is a magnificent opportunity for generate your own energy and join the current trend. In addition to resulting in significant savings on electricity bills, it allows you to reduce your dependence on conventional sources.

This long-term investment, since the life of the panels is estimated at 25 years, and increases the value of a property. This is very favourable for any owner who is thinking of selling or renting a property. In some cases, according to the studies carried out, we are talking about 4% above the usual price.

Choosing solar panels for residential self-consumption

The correct selection of solar panels for residential self-consumption has a decisive influence on the efficiency of this installation.

The monocrystalline photovoltaic panels They are ideal for limited spaces and work very well if there is partial shade. Although if what we are looking for is a better quality-price ratio, we will have to opt for the polycrystalline panels, although its performance is lower at higher temperatures.

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Benefit from subsidies for solar self-consumption

Anyone considering installing solar energy for self-consumption should consider applying for a grant. These public grants allow citizens to significantly reduce the costs associated with the acquisition and installation of solar panels. The Government and the different autonomous communities offer these incentives that facilitate access to this clean technology.

Self-consumption solar energy in Spain is an option available to all citizens. Although its use is becoming more widespread, doubts still arise about these self-consumption installations, usually due to lack of knowledge. For this reason, do not hesitate to contact professionals such as those at Solar Island to clarify everything that represents an obstacle to taking the final step.

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