economy and politics

The international isolation of the dictatorship: the only victory of the Spanish guerrillas

The international isolation of the dictatorship: the only victory of the Spanish guerrillas

We close this trilogy about the Spanish republican guerrillas – the Reconquista Operation of Spain, the invasion of the Aran Valley, and the social health work of the Warsaw Hospital in Toulouse – with the only victory obtained against the dictatorship of General Franco: international isolation and widespread condemnation of an immoral, deeply corrupt and ruthlessly murderous regime. A pyrrhic victory, limited in time and that, in the end, made the Franco regime buckle, fearful of ending up like their fascist and Nazi cronies, on the gallows in Nuremberg or lynched by the unleashed popular fury.

80 years ago, France was preparing for half a century of ingratitude and forgetfulness of the fight of the Spanish guerrillas in the French Resistance against the German invader. And, except for specific actions by city councils and organizations that, outside official policy, recognized their heroic struggle, it would not be recognized and honored again until the end of the last century and the beginning of this one.

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