
The High Commissioner commends the work of South American countries in favor of truth and justice

The High Commissioner commends the work of South American countries in favor of truth and justice

He UN High Commissioner for Human Rights recalled this Friday the military dictatorships and the massive violations of fundamental guarantees committed during those regimes in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay.

Volker Türk addressed a video message to the participants in a Regional Meeting on Transitional Justice held in Santiago de Chile to highlight the work of the population of those countries in favor of truth and justice.

I applaud the determined work of this region in the search for truth, reparation and justice, in particular the crucial efforts made by civil society, victims and their families. These efforts have served as a model for other countries around the world,” she said.

Among the achievements of the South American nations, he highlighted the reconstruction of democratic institutions and their contribution in the fight against forced disappearancesspecifically mentioning the organizations of victims and relatives of Argentina and Chile, which played an essential role in the creation of the United Nations Working Group on Enforced Disappearances.

Türk said that memories of the past, even the most painful ones, can serve as the basis for rebuilding societies, fostering solidarity and paving the way for relief.

strength and commitment

In this line, he paid tribute to the victims and survivors, their families and all the people who have supported them, and stressed that the reconciliation with a past of atrocities it requires great strength and a long-term commitment to walk a difficult path.

The High Commissioner pointed out that the South American countries have followed a process of justice transitionshe sustained on four pillars: truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-repetition.

Despite these great advances, very painful issues remain such as the lack of answers about the fate and whereabouts of the disappeared detainees or about the kidnapped children.

four pillars

For this reason, Türk continued, the world must continue to support victims, survivors and societies as a whole to move closer to consolidating the four pillars of transitional justice.

Refering to TRUEindicated that the official accounts must specify the massive and systematic violations of human rights perpetrated during the dictatorship and called for immediate access to the archives that remain closed.

When referring to the justice, regretted that the amnesty laws are still in force, as are the delays in investigations or criminal proceedings. “And at the national level, there is still progress to be made in the definition of crimes against humanity. Impunity is the biggest obstacle we face on the path to justice and prosperity”, he stressed.

Of the repairexplained that some victims have been waiting for it for decades, warned that this undermines confidence in democratic institutions and considered that State policies must grant all victims adequate reparation without discrimination.

For the no repeat, Türk stressed the need to strengthen the rule of law and democratic institutions, asserting that without freedom of the press, participation and an independent judiciary, there is a risk that the injustices of the past resurface and take root. In addition, he added, it is necessary that the institutions in charge of enforcing the law are directed by civilians and that there is a strict fight against corruption.

Peaceful coexistence and dignity for all

The High Commissioner said that this is a year in which half a century has passed since the coups d’état in Uruguay and Chile, and 40 years since the return of democracy to Argentina, but that the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights“an agreement that enshrined peaceful coexistence, justice and dignity for all”.

“Reviving the spirit and momentum that led to the Universal Declaration – and applying it to the challenges we face today – is the task before us today”, he pointed out and reiterated the readiness of his Office to assist the countries in their tasks aimed at justice and peace.

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