April 12 () –
The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food has published a third list with 1,411 owners of livestock farms that will receive a total of 9.1 million euros of the extraordinary aid enabled by the Government to compensate for the situation of difficulties as a result of drought and war in Ukraine.
Specifically, this new payment is added to those already made in October and November 2023, which already total a paid amount of 352 million euros, distributed among 73,369 beneficiary ranchers, which represents 99% of the initial total budget of 355 millions of euros.
This extraordinary aid was approved by the Government through Royal Decree-Law 4/2023, of May 11 and is financed exclusively with funds from the General State Budgets.
The list of the owners of the beneficiary livestock farms, the number of head of livestock counted and the amount of aid to be received is now available on the electronic headquarters of the Spanish Agrarian Guarantee Fund (FEGA).
In this way, the resolution published this Friday includes the owners of livestock farms who presented allegations to the provisional resolutions of July and October and which, due to their complexity, had to be studied by the autonomous communities.
Once analyzed and verified that the aid requirements are met and that the holders are up to date with their tax and Social Security obligations, the payment resolution is published.
The aid will be deposited into the bank accounts of the ranchers during this month of April.
In addition, this resolution also includes the holders who have been denied aid for not complying with the established requirements.
The owners of livestock farms who are not up to date with their tax and Social Security obligations have a period of one month to catch up.
After this period, a new verification will be carried out and a new granting resolution will be published to the holders who meet the requirements.