economy and politics

The Government will approve this Tuesday the plan for democratic regeneration promised by Pedro Sánchez

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The five days that the President of the Government used for “personal reflection” following the investigation opened against his partner for an alleged case of influence peddling culminated in a commitment: to promote a plan for “democratic regeneration” after the summer. And as Pedro Sánchez himself has confirmed, this Tuesday the Council of Ministers will finally give the green light to this plan.

“The Council of Ministers will approve the Action Plan for Democracy that I announced before the summer. A plan that stems from our Constitution and from measures approved by the European Commission and Parliament. A plan that will help us provide more transparency, more plurality and more guarantees to this chamber, the Senate and the information ecosystem. And which, I trust, will end up having the support of all the democrats of our country,” he said.

For the moment, no one in the Government has offered details of the content or scope of this plan that has been worked on in recent weeks within the coalition government between the PSOE and Sumar. Although the parliamentary partners agree that measures such as the Gag Law, the Law on Official Secrets and the reform of the crime of insulting the crown should be included in the package of measures.

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