
The Government of Japan creates a new agency to combat the decline in birth rates

The Government of Japan creates a new agency to combat the decline in birth rates


The Government of Japan has created this Saturday the Agency for Children and Families with the aim of combating the decline in the birth rate, which has fallen below 800,000 in 2022, a record number since they began to be registered in 1899, according to government data. nippon.

This Agency, which will be under the direct supervision of the Prime Minister of Japan, Fumio Kishida, will also address the challenge of child birth, child abuse and poverty, according to the Japanese news agency Kiodo News.

Some of the tasks that this agency will carry out will be to support pregnant women, children with disabilities and “youth caregivers”, or children who usually care for their relatives.

It also plans to introduce a system to require a criminal record certificate for people who take on child-related jobs following a series of cases of sexual abuse by nannies that have come to light in recent years, according to the previously cited outlet. .

This year’s spending for the agency will be 4.8 trillion yen (about 33 billion euros).

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