economy and politics

The Government is working on a deployment "prudent" of Artificial Intelligence to avoid "Social problems"

May 21. (EUROPE PRESS) –

The Government has stated that one of its priorities with Artificial Intelligence (AI) is to promote an “effective and prudent” deployment of it to face the “necessary” digital transformation of the economy, but also to prevent “social problems”.

In a parliamentary response to which Europa Press has had access, to questions from United Podemos deputy Antonio Gómez-Reino, the Executive responds to the concerns that PSOE members have expressed regarding the impact of AI on employment .

“The effective and prudent deployment of Artificial Intelligence is essential to face the necessary digital transformation of the economy and prevent social problems caused by AI,” the Government underlines.

On the other hand, and already in a more general framework, the Government refers to new technologies, which usually produce a “very positive” impact on the productivity of the economy and employment. In fact, in your response, you indicate that an increase in the demand for specialized profiles in these technologies is expected, together with the appearance of new professional activities related to them.


The Executive takes advantage of the parliamentary response to value the National Artificial Intelligence Strategy, framed in the Recovery Plan with a public investment of 600 million euros.

The objective of this Strategy, says the Government, is to generate an environment of trust regarding the development of an “inclusive, sustainable and humanistic” Artificial Intelligence. “That is, that puts the citizenry at the center,” she adds.

It also defends that this Strategy will improve the preparation of the Spanish productive fabric in order to boost its competitiveness at the European and international level and face “great social challenges”.

Specifically, and for the success of this Strategy, the Government considers it “essential” to ensure the preparation and training in AI of students, teachers, public employment personnel, the labor market and society, with an “ethical, humanist and gender perspective”. “.

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