
The fence against immigration becomes the center of the electoral campaign in Greece

The fence against immigration becomes the center of the electoral campaign in Greece

On May 21 will be the Greek elections with New Democracy barely 5 points ahead of SYRIZA in the polls


The conservative Greek prime minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, has warned this Saturday that if the main opposition party wins, the Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA) will not continue with the construction of the border fence erected on the Evros river to stop the immigration.

“I think the issue of the Evros fence is important not only for the people who live there, but for the vast majority of our fellow citizens because a sovereign country must have the means to effectively protect its borders,” Mitsotakis told a Thessaloniki radio.

“Following the attempted migration invasion of March 2020, it is completely clear to me that we need a powerful deterrent that supports our global border guard policy,” he added.

Thus, the fence “is not the only tool that we have at our disposal”, he explained: “we have hired many border guards, we have reinforced the technological means to monitor the entire border and we have reinforced the coast guard to monitor our maritime borders” .

“What strikes me is that something that seems self-evident is the source of a political confrontation” and the opposition “formally requests that this project not be financed with European funds,” Mitsotakis pointed out.

The president has affirmed that he does not know what the leader of SYRIZA, Alexis Tsipras, will do, “because many different voices are being heard”, but “I am sure that if he does not destroy the fence that has already been built, surely he will not make the project that we have presented”.

Tsipras himself has stepped forward in the debate and has promised to build “a fence against injustice.” “If SYRIZA is the first party in the elections on May 21, we will have a government of progressive cooperation the day after the elections”, he stressed during an act in Athens.

“The government of progressive cooperation with SYRIZA at the base will bring justice to society,” he has proclaimed. This will translate into four measures: higher wages, lower prices and a strong, fair and efficient State”, he stressed.

The latest polls point to a difference of about five points between Mitsotakis’s New Democracy party and SYRIZA, with the difference that SYRIZA hopes to have the support of the historic Panhellenic Socialist Party (PASOK), which would be third in votes with around to 10 percent.

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