
The famous youtuber Dream reveals his face and causes a furor on the Internet

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Much of the success of Minecraft With the young audience, it is due to the diffusion through content creators, who through YouTue, Twitch and other platforms generate a community that maintains interest in the game. One of the most recognized youtubers of this game has just revealed his best kept secret.

There are plenty of content creators out there. Minecraft, but without a doubt the most important is Dream. This YouTuber dedicates his content entirely to the Mojang title and created his YouTube account in February 2014, but it wasn’t until July 2019 that he started sharing videos regularly.

However, despite the short time on the platform (at the time of writing the note he has only published 111 videos), he managed to get a dizzying number of subscribers thanks to his humor and creativity to create content of Minecraft. Thus, this young man is one of the main ones in the community of Minecraft with just under 31 million subscribers, but there is something that characterized him: he had never revealed his face to his followers.

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Dream finally revealed her face

We say that it characterized him because the content creator decided that this was no longer a secret and a few hours ago he revealed his face to the world and suffice it to say that this event broke the Internet.

Dream’s face reveal video was made public 17 hours ago, but it already has more than 20 million views. There are even thousands of videos of other youtubers reacting to the revelation of her face. On Twitter and other social networks, this gave so much to talk about that it became a worldwide trend. In fact, at the time of writing the note the label #dreamfacereveal still at the top of the chart of popular topics.

In Dream’s first post on Twitter showing his face is one in which he appears with his friends and in less than 1 day he already got 90,400 retweets and more than 824,000 likes.

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Why did Dream reveal his face?

For so many years, the identity of this youtuber had remained a mystery and in his videos it was only possible to hear his voice: why did he decide to reveal his face now?

“My goal was to start doing things: going out, meeting content creators, saying hello to my friends… finally going out into the world, being a content creator, being a person,” the YouTube celebrity commented.

Just don’t expect to see Dream on camera every time she shares a new video of Minecraft. The content creator clarified that the format of this type of video will be the same, so he will continue to make videos of Minecraft only with gameplay, without the camera focused on his face.

However, Dream plans to make more content of him in real life while spending time with his friends, so there’s no way fans of this content creator won’t be happy.

What did you think of the reveal of Dream’s face? Tell us in the comments.

Minecraft is available on a wide variety of consoles, as well as PC and mobile. You can find more news related to him if you visit this page.

Related Video: The Story Behind: Minecraft

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