
The EU signs a Green Association with Morocco to establish common measures against climate change

The EU signs a Green Association with Morocco to establish common measures against climate change

Oct. 19 (EUROPA PRESS) –

The European Union has signed this Tuesday with Morocco a Memorandum of Understanding for the establishment of a Green Association in order to establish common measures to fight against climate change, thus making the Maghreb country the first non-EU State to sign an agreement of this type with Brussels.

Signed by the Vice President of the European Commission, Frans Timmermans, and the Moroccan Foreign Minister, Nasser Bourita, this Green Association aims to define the joint steps in the fight against climate change, the ecological transition, the protection of the environment and the promotion of the green and blue economy, as detailed by the MAP agency.

This agreement will also seek ways to “unite Europe and Africa”, as it is expected to become a model for similar partnerships between the Union and countries on the African continent, where Morocco already leads in terms of environmental and climate ambitions, according to Brussels.

“Morocco is a leader in Africa when it comes to combating the climate crisis and environmental degradation. The Green Partnership we have concluded today builds on our joint commitment to take action against climate change and seize the economic opportunities inherent in the transition green,” said Timmermans during a joint press conference with Bourita.

“Together, the European Union and the Kingdom of Morocco can set the course towards a healthy climate, a prosperous environment and prosperity for all,” added the Vice President of the European Commission, as stated in a statement from the Union.

Brussels and Rabat have maintained that this Green Partnership will allow both to progress towards their common goals of becoming low-carbon and climate-resilient economies, and the transition to a green economy, as well as strengthen coordination on measures related to environmental protection and energy transition, both bilaterally, regionally and with third States.

In addition, it could help promote “innovative, sustainable, job-creating and environmentally friendly projects” and develop cooperation with other international actors in order to achieve the objectives imposed in the Paris Agreement, according to the Commission’s letter. European.

This agreement also aims to consult and exchange policies early, taking into account the interests, priorities and concerns of each of the partners when developing policies on climate change.

This association of the European Union with Morocco is already “the deepest and most complete” with any country in Africa, according to Brussels, which has stated that the agreement has even “greater potential”.

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