Science and Tech

The EU is now targeting video game companies

The EU is now targeting video game companies

Consumers argue that these companies have implemented strategies that induce players, especially minors, to make in-game purchases without proper consent or necessary clarity about costs.

The European Consumer Organisation (BEUC) has filed a complaint with the European Union authorities against alleged unfair practices by video game companies behind Fortnite, EA Sports FC24, Minecraft and Clash of Clans, among others.

This type of maneuver is not new in the field of technological regulation in Europe. The EU has kept a strict watch on big technology companies and digital platforms, including the video game industry, due to growing concerns about the protection of consumer rights and business ethics.

The European Commission has, on several occasions, convened meetings with industry representatives to discuss issues related to transparency in microtransactions, data security and fairness in gaming business models.

These meetings allow the EU to take a closer look at how developers operate in the market, and have led to changes in legislation such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which also affects gaming platforms in terms of how they handle their users’ data.

The ultimate goal of these discussions is to balance the economic interests of companies with the rights of consumers, and to avoid abuses and misleading practices.

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