
The EU and NATO call to redouble military aid to Ukraine taking advantage of Putin’s “weakness”

The head of Ukrainian diplomacy, Dmitro Kuleba, during his speech by videoconference at the meeting of EU foreign ministers this Monday in Luxembourg

“First Russia was a threat because it was strong, now it has become a risk because it seems to have entered an era of political instability and internal fragility,” he warns. Josep Borrell. The head of community diplomacy admits that the “aborted armed insurrection” led by the Wagner mercenary group has caught the European Union “by surprise” and has triggered a “complex and unpredictable situation.”

At the same time, the “weakness” shown by the Russian president, Vladimir Putinduring the weekend constitutes a advantage for Ukraine in advancing their counteroffensive to recover the occupied territories. For this reason, both the EU and NATO have launched an appeal on Monday to redouble military aid to the Government of Volodimir Zelensky.

Also the head of Ukrainian diplomacy, Dmitro Kuleba, has asked his European partners more weapons to ensure the “defeat” of Russia. Specifically, kyiv is demanding artillery systems, ammunition and shells, as well as pilot training and the transfer of F-16 fighters. In an intervention by videoconference before the foreign ministers of the 27 meeting in Luxembourg, Kuleba has also defended expanding the sanctions against Moscow, including nuclear energy or diamonds.

[Borrell ve grietas en el poder militar de Rusia: “El monstruo que Putin creó con Wagner se rebela”]

For the moment, the only concrete decision adopted in Luxembourg has been to increase by 3,500 million the European Peace Support Fund, with which the delivery of arms to Ukraine is financed. Borrell has revealed that the EU has already trained 24,000 Ukrainian soldiers, which will exceed the target of 30,000 that had been set for the entire year. But Hungary has maintained its veto on the eighth tranche of 500 million military aid to kyiv.

“If your adversary enters a combat between different parties, it is evident that this is a positive thing from the point of view of the development of military operations. Suddenly, Wagner’s troops have abandoned their positions at the front and have gone to do something else. Therefore, that for ukrainians can only be positive“, Borrell said at a press conference at the end of the meeting in Luxembourg.

The head of Ukrainian diplomacy, Dmitro Kuleba, during his speech by videoconference at the meeting of EU foreign ministers this Monday in Luxembourg

European Union

“Nobody knows what’s going to happen. But from the point of view of military operations, if there are internal disagreements on one side, then that logically favors the otherby the law of universal gravitation”, highlights the High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy.

For this reason, the EU has reaffirmed its commitment to “redouble” its military support for Ukraine in order to “support the counteroffensive that is being carried out“. “What is happening in Russia has a huge impact on the rest of the world and could have an impact on the war. Putin has been weakened, at least to some extent, and that could affect the willingness of the rest of the world to discuss the post-war situation in Ukraine,” says the Danish foreign minister, Lars Lokke Rasmussen.

[La OTAN dice que la rebelión de Wagner muestra el “gran error estratégico” de Putin]

“what seemed a Russian internal monolithic solidity has shown that it has gapsand gaps that are very deep”, pointed out the head of Spanish diplomacy, Jose Manuel Albares. “We have also agreed that this should not divert us from what is our goal. Our goal is for the Russian troops to withdraw from Ukrainian territory and for peace to return to Ukraine,” Albares stressed.

“This situation in Russia gives us more opportunities to support Ukraine and find a path to victory“, claims Estonian Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkna. However, his Lithuanian counterpart, Gabrielius Landsbergishas indicated that kyiv’s victory will only be possible if the allies effectively redouble their military support.

NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, during his appearance on Monday with the President of Lithuania, Gitanas Nauseda

NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, during his appearance on Monday with the President of Lithuania, Gitanas Nauseda


“The last days teach us that we don’t have to think about changing the regime in Russiawe don’t have to plan it: the russians are fully capable of doing it themselves. But we must not let this distract us. Events like these may repeat themselves in the future. What we need to do is keep the focus on Ukraine and intensify our assistance to Ukraine,” Landsbergis said.

The head of Lithuanian diplomacy has insisted that Russia is “a dangerous and unpredictable neighbor” and that is why he has called on the allies to reinforce the security of the eastern flank. A request that has been attended by Germanywhich has announced this Monday that it is willing to permanently station a brigade of 4,000 soldiers in Lithuania.

“The events of the weekend are an internal matter of Russia. But they also constitute another demonstration of the great strategic mistake that President Putin made with his illegal annexation of Crimea and the war against Ukraine”, said for his part the Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenbergin an appearance in Lithuania, where he has traveled to finalize the preparations for the July Alliance summit.

“As Russia continues its assault, it is even more important to continue supporting Ukraine. The Ukrainians have launched a counter-offensive to retake occupied territories. And the more territories they are able to liberate, the stronger their position will be at the negotiating table to achieve a just and lasting peace,” says Stoltenberg.

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