For a few years now, the priest has been promoting spiritual retreats in which, through Scripture, care for creation is promoted through the conversion of each one’s lifestyle. A proposal that has already been endorsed by thousands of participants in various Indonesian provinces, including many non-Christians.
Bandung () – Biblical readings and reflections to promote greater awareness in Indonesian society about the importance of preserving nature. These are the ingredients of the “ecological retreat”, a proposal carried out for years by Fr. Sutrisna Widjaja ferry from Bandung, West Java province. Since 2009, this proposal has managed to “change” the mentality of thousands of Indonesians of different origins and social conditions, internalizing the spirit of conversion suggested by the Scriptures.
The p. Ferry has just completed this program at the Holy Family Shrine in Tana Toraja, in the province of South Sulawesi: dozens of people participated, all of them members of the local Sauan Sibarrung Credit Union. Unlike the usual “spiritual exercises,” during his three-day “ecological retreat,” the priest presents both biblical sources and pages from the encyclical Laudato Yes’ of Pope Francis.
The goal is to ignite love for the protection of creation and opt for a healthy social lifestyle, consuming organic food and abandoning the use of pesticides in agriculture.
“After this experience, I feel strongly motivated to preserve nature. Neglecting this moral requirement would be committing a sin,” she told Yohana Patombe, housewife from Palopo. “We consume organic rice, we no longer use pesticides,” added Agustinus Medardus, from Makale.
The p. Ferry says his retreats are often attended by people from other religious denominations, but all have felt enlightened by this spirit.
Sister Theresina, director of the Panti Nugraha hospital in Pakem (Yogyakarta), confirmed to that the p. Her belief in the urgency of preserving nature was strongly stimulated by Ferry during an awareness program at Bandung’s Eco Camp several years ago. At the hospital he created a special area where all the organic waste is now recycled and used as fertilizer.