economy and politics

The dollar reaches its highest TRM in history: 4,636.83 pesos

The dollar reaches its highest TRM in history: 4,636.83 pesos

The Financial Superintendence set the Representative Market Rate (TRM) at $4,636.83, which will be in force between October 15 and 18re, when negotiations are resumed after the festive bridge.

(Dollar is traded in the futures market at $5,200: what it is and how it works).

This is the highest TRM in history, after surpassing the last highest record until this Friday, which was $4,627, by 9 pesos.

On the day, the US currency broke several records, because in addition to setting the highest closing price in history at $4,698, it also recorded the maximum intraday price of $4,707.

(The dollar in Colombia closed the week with historical prices).

“The dollar continues to reach its maximum in Colombia since many pesos are being converted into dollars again, basically due to the rise in US interest rates. In addition, several investors have preferred to leave the country due to future economic instabilities and take refuge in other countries. more stable”, says Jeisson Balaguera, executive director for Values ​​AAA.

top dollar top

On October 7, the Representative Market Rate was set at $4,627 and thus reached the highest TRM since July 13, which was $4,627. Before that, the TRM had not been above $4,600, thus making these three prices the highest for the dollar in Colombia since records have been kept.


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