economy and politics

The dollar closed the week with a slight fall, despite the high volatility of recent days


After its maximum price reached close to $4,200 in previous days and registered strong falls, which balanced the upward pressures, the dollar in Colombia closed the week with a slight decrease with respect to the Representative Market Rate on Monday.

(Read: What are the five largest companies in Colombia and what weight do they have in the economy).

Despite the high volatility, the US currency closed this Friday at an average price of $4,144, that is, it fell 7 pesos compared to the TRM with which the week began, which was $4,151.

In his daily quote, The foreign currency fell 29 pesos, since the reference price with which the day began was $4,175. This Friday’s fall offset the rise of the previous session.

(See: Deceleration caused a 24% drop in profits of the country’s 1,000 largest companies).



The market was attentive to the data from the S&P Global PMI index in the US, which remained practically unchanged, going from 54.5 points in May to 54.6 in June.

(Also: Dane Economic Census entanglements would go against at least two national norms).

Besides, Second-hand home sales in the United States fell 0.7% in May, marking their third month of consecutive declineswhile the average price set a new record, standing at $419,300 (about 392,000 euros).


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