
The ‘Daily Show’ issues a brutal warning about Trump’s cryptocurrency ‘scam’

Daily program” correspondents Ronny Chieng and Michael Kosta used Wednesday night’s show to sound the alarm about Donald Trump‘s latest attempt to scam its most devoted followers: a new cryptocurrency company called World Liberty Financial.

“Donald Trump, the most trusted businessman in the world, is now in the cryptocurrency business, the most trusted business in the world,” Chieng said, then turned to an “expert” in scams and cryptocurrencies for advice: Donald Trump.

Chieng downplayed the former president’s past comments attacking cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, as a “scam” and “based on nothing.”

Chieng took a closer look at the other figures behind the company and found them even less reassuring. One is a man convicted of drug trafficking who also sold colon cleansers; the other is a former pickup artist who founded a company called Date Hotter Girls.

This resulted in a brutal mock commercial for the project starring Kosta.

“Cryptocurrency is a complex intersection between finance and technology, and we know nothing about it either,” he said. “But what we do know is: You like Trump. Trump likes money. You give money to Trump.”

Kosta said Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, has less than 50 days before the election to capitalize.

“We don’t have time for a bunch of questions like ‘Are we FDIC insured?’” he said. “Are you kidding me? The only FDIC here is you fucking fools who invest money.”

Kosta said he was asked to read an important financial statement.

“This is a scam,” he said. “You are the target.”

Watch more from Wednesday night’s “Daily Show” monologue:

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