economy and politics

The CNMV fines a former PharmaMar director, an employee and an outsider with 140,000 euros for privileged information

The CNMV fines a former PharmaMar director, an employee and an outsider with 140,000 euros for privileged information

PharmaMar assures that “it is not responsible for individual actions”

June 5 () –

The National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) has imposed a fine of 140,000 euros on a former director and an employee of PharmaMar, and on a person external to the company for privileged information related to the firm’s drugs, which it has assured, for its part , not be responsible for individual actions, as company sources have indicated to Europa Press.

Specifically, as published this Wednesday by the Official State Gazette (BOE), the body chaired by Rodrigo Buenaventura has estimated the sanctions at 40,000 euros for Juan Gualberto Nogués Ortuño – former international director of Marketing and Sales of PharmaMar until January 2022 – , in 60,000 euros for the employee Enrique Manuel López Carmona, and in 40,000 euros for María del Mar Reinoso Casado – a person outside the company -.

Thus, the first of them has been imposed on Nogués Ortuño for the acquisition of 5,000 shares of PharmaMar on June 12, 2020, being in possession, according to the CNMV, of privileged information related to the approval process by the Food Administration. and Drugs of the United States (FDA, for its acronym in English) of the drug zepzelca (lurbinectedin), which was communicated by the company to the supervisor as inside information on June 15, 2020.

As explained by the CNMV, Nogués Ortuño obtained an economic benefit from the sale of said shares on June 16, 2020.

On the other hand, the fine to the employee Enrique Manuel López Carmona has been motivated by the “illicit communication” to María del Mar Reinoso Casado, of privileged information regarding the existence of negotiations carried out by PharmaMar with different entities for the marketing of a drug in the United States, which culminated in the signing of an exclusive license agreement with a distributor for said commercialization made public on December 19, 2019.

In this context, the sanction imposed on María del Mar Reinoso Casado, following the information received by López Carmona, has been caused by the acquisition on October 29, November 7 and 12, 2019, of a total of 7,200 shares of PharmaMar .

Having renounced the filing of appeals through administrative channels by the three interested parties, the resolution imposing the sanctions mentioned above has only become final in said channel, being susceptible to jurisdictional review by the Contentious-Administrative Chamber of the National Court. .


For its part, PharmaMar has clarified in statements to Europa Press that “it has not been investigated by the CNMV”, given that, at all times, it has collaborated “closely” with the markets regulator in compliance with its commitment to transparency, since that “provided all requested documentation and information in a timely manner.”

“The company is not responsible for individual actions. The sanctioned person in a management position is no longer in the company and, in the case of the sanctioned employee, the company will apply the internal rules of conduct,” the company stated.

“PharmaMar’s responsible action in its relationship with the markets takes shape in the application of strict internal control and prevention mechanisms that go beyond those established by law, including internal regulations, technological means to guarantee the confidentiality of information and training for employees,” the company added.

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