economy and politics

The bread of the dead not only suffers from inflation, but also the hamburger syndrome

The bread of the dead not only suffers from inflation, but also the hamburger syndrome

A little bun for the scare of inflation?

The bread of the dead has a great variety throughout the country. But inflation in supplies has led to sweet bread being 22.55% more expensive than in October 2021, according to the most recent data from Inegi.

This means that, if a Mexican spent 200 pesos for the bread on his altar for the dead, now he would spend approximately 240 pesos to buy the same amount.

But in the specific case of bread of the dead, according to ANPEC monitoring, it is estimated that one in large or family presentation it is sold at 175 pesos on average, while a stuffed one of the same size is sold at 250 pesos, on average. This implies an increase of 96% and 66% compared to 2021 prices.

This is due to the fact that the flour with which bread is prepared in general has increased 38.8%, at an annual rate, while other inputs such as oils and vegetable fats have increased by about 25.98%.

Eggs, meanwhile, are already 33.5% more expensive than a year ago; fresh pasteurized milk costs 12.54%; butter has already risen 18% in the last year. And other occasional ingredients such as chocolate and cocoa have increased their prices between 9 and 13.8% compared to 2021.

These affectations are for the entire bakery industry, for example, “the bolillo, a product of daily use, has increased systematically by 29.2% with consecutive increases for 9 months,” says Cuauhtémoc Rivera, president of ANPEC.

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