economy and politics

The Bogotá City Council awarded Cesa the José Acevedo y Gómez Civil Order of Merit


The Bogotá City Council, through Councilwoman Sandra Forero Ramírez, awarded the José Acevedo y Gómez Civil Order of Merit in the Degree of Grand Cross to the College of Higher Studies in Administration (CESA).

The Civil Order of Merit José Acevedo y Gómez It is the highest distinction awarded by the Bogotá City Council and is given to individuals and institutions that have made exceptional contributions to the city in various areas such as education, culture, science and social development.

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Councilor Forero stated that the commemoration was delivered to Cesa by “Their purpose is to train new generations with the highest standards, enabling them to assume the enormous responsibility of leading companies, generating development and creating the necessary conditions for economic and social well-being. For 50 years they have stood out for training leaders who transform Bogotá and the country.”.


Bogota Council/Cesa

And the fact is that Cesa has graduated more than 4,500 graduates in the Business Administration program and approximately 5,800 graduates from postgraduate programs. In total, These graduates have created more than 300 companies, which have generated more than 15,000 jobs. In addition, 30% of graduates occupy leadership positions in their organizations.

Other figures claim that One in every 20 Cesa graduates creates a new business or starts a new venture, consolidating a community of more than 500 entrepreneurs and more than 370 intrapreneurships. registered.

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Another reason for the award was CESA’s commitment to training hundreds of women and gender equality.

Councilwoman Forero said: “I am convinced that women have the power to transform lives, to transform Colombia, and it is precisely the case that the country’s securities-issuing companies have increased the presence of women on their boards of directors from 15% in 2018 to 23.1% today, which places our country as one of the leading countries in Latin America in terms of female business leadership.”



Bogota Council/Cesa

Finally, he added that “This result is derived, among other things, from the institutional activism promoted by CESA and its allies, as well as from efforts to train and make visible female talent for decision-making scenarios. Since 2019, more than 700 women have been trained in corporate governance and leadership skills.”.

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Emilia Restrepo, rector of Cesa, thanked the commemoration and assured that “This recognition reaffirms the commitment to train leaders who transform the country, with those who make companies from companies, contributing from our classrooms knowledge, relevant skills and values ​​to give Colombia professionals capable of caring for the business fabric and strengthening it.”.


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