
The battle against the book ban in the United States

The battle against the book ban in the United States

In the United States, “controlling the imagination” seems like a dream Republicans are trying to make come true by banning books in public schools. Books that tell stories of the LGBTI community or the African-American community have been withdrawn from libraries, mainly in Florida and Texas. RFI interviewed writer Ashley Hope Perez, who knows the problem well.

“In a few moments, Illinois will become the first state in the country to officially ban the book ban once and for all.”, said Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker, a Democrat, who passed legislation this week to “prohibit the ban on books.”

ban imagination

Forbidden to ban is not a paradox in Illinois, but rather the way they put a stop to calls from the extreme right to censor books in a country that claims to be the cradle of modern democracy.

According to Ashley Hope Pérez, author of Out of Darknessa book censored in Texas that tells of a romance between a Mexican and an African-American, “andwe are in March toward something No democratic. But I say to my children: ‘we have that talk now. No can wait neither a day for defend he right of think’. No only is he right of read it that want check, is the imagination, is the possibility of think in others lives, in people different. AND have that struggle now by the democracy, by the possibility of imagine a future better”.

“The books serving for open our minds and is left over clear that the extreme right of state Joined wants see to the youths with the minds closed. So I I see that he governor illinois it is defending against this threat,” he continues.

fight for youth

Young people are particularly affected, estimates Ashley Hope Pérez: They are the that suffer, they are the that lose something important. In many places, the books that reflect either expand he world of the youths already disappeared, already No are in the libraries,” he explains.

“Is by that that I I follow writing and also look for avenues legal, as a demand judicial in course in Florida, that seeks see the books returned to the libraries. We are at the beginning of the process, but I would say that it is an important beginning because it points out that what is happening is largely illegal and against our Constitution. It also points out that we fight for students and their right to read and learn”, emphasizes the writer.

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