economy and politics

The axes of the reform to Law 30 of education

The axes of the reform to Law 30 of education

The Colombian government will present the higher education reform to Congress on July 20, with which it seeks to guarantee that this is a fundamental right and improve university well-being, among other issues.

(The proposals for the reform of Education Law 30).

This was reported this Tuesday by the Minister of Education, Aurora Vergara Figueroa, who said at a press conference that the Government listens to the different actors in the sector to present the draft of the project.

“Once we receive these inputs, we will be integrating the reflections of the university assemblies and the spaces of the universities this week. With these versions we will be ready to have a first version next week that we can widely socialize”, affirmed the minister after a meeting with the rectors of the 34 Colombian public universities in the Casa de Nariño, headquarters of the Executive.

The government reform seeks to modify Law 30 of 1992, which is the foundation of higher education in Colombia.

(Rectors of public universities support the filing of the reform of Law 30).

In this sense, the executive intends to increase the financing of higher education institutions, increase coverage and the free policy, as well as dignify the work of teachers, strengthen the educational infrastructure and bring higher education to the territories that most require it.

The minister explained that the first axis of the reform is that of the “character of education”, that is, “that this comprehensive reform goes from a vision of service education to the vision that it is a fundamental right.”

“That is the nature of education and it is the main axis of deliberation of the reform,” Vergara pointed out.

(Amendment to Law 30 seeks solutions to financing for education).

Likewise, the reform has as another of its key issues the “welfare university”requested mainly by students who want to guarantee “that higher education institutions open a window to ensure that the text of the reform is addressed structurally” this matter.

Finally, he pointed out that during the dialogues to present the reform, other axes have emerged on issues that “for establishing the impact of the armed conflict” on education, since some “documents (…) speak of the memory of the armed conflict.”


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