Science and Tech

Telmex and Telcel prepare contingency plan for hurricane Beryl

Telmex and Telcel prepare contingency plan for hurricane Beryl

Telcel has begun to transfer emergency power plants and batteries to operate its cell sites in the event of a power outage.

Telmex also moved emergency machinery and fuel to ensure its operation in the event of disruptions to the power supply, while materials and supplies were provided and the installation of wall walls in its facilities began.

From the National Monitoring Center, Telmex will monitor the conditions of the backbone network in real time to immediately detect any outages and begin repair work with specialized personnel, as soon as conditions and authorities allow.

The National Meteorological Service has reported that Beryl will begin to attack the coasts of the Yucatan Peninsula, beginning in the early hours of Thursday, July 4. So far, it remains a Category 4 hurricane.

Beryl formed Friday in the southeastern Antilles as a Category 1 storm, but the weather phenomenon has rapidly intensified into a major Category 4 hurricane.

This phenomenon is believed to be linked to the current temperature of the Atlantic Ocean, which is not usually warm enough in these areas at this time of year to allow the formation of a storm of this type, AFP reported.

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