The workshops for members of the community reinforced the provision of information and tests related to cardiovascular care.
UCSC Communications.- As part of the activities carried out by the UCSC Scientific and Technological Nucleus (NCT) in Coronel, health operations were carried out in Caleta Lo Rojas with the aim of reinforcing information for cardiovascular care.
The first was aimed at divers and artisanal fishermen from La Caleta and the second was aimed especially at the professional technical team of the El Pescador de Lo Rojas Kindergarten, taking place at the headquarters of the Charqueadoras Union. During the sessions, bioimpedance tests, electrocardiograms, arterial stiffness tests, and anthropometric measurements were taken. The objective of the activity was to encourage self-care of health in the community.
The instance had the participation of Jacqueline Ibarra, nutritionist and Academic Coordinator of Prosalud; Mariel Lobos, nutritionist; Felipe Albarrán, Doctor in Education; Miguel Sánchez, doctor; and Margarita Vidal, social worker.
From the NCT they commented that “the activity allowed to know the state of health of the community, identifying the perception that the community of the sector has regarding cardiovascular diseases, this through the application of a questionnaire”.
It should be noted that the operations were carried out within the framework of the USC2095 Higher Education Project of the Technological Scientific Nucleus, specifically from the UCSC Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Program (Prosalud).