
Taliban report end of clashes with rebel forces in northern Afghanistan

Taliban report end of clashes with rebel forces in northern Afghanistan

June 28. (EUROPA PRESS) –

The Taliban have announced this Tuesday that they have managed to prevail in the clashes that they have had for a week with the rebel forces of the Khazarian commander, the Maulavi Mahdi, in the province of Sar-e Pul, in northern Afghanistan.

The second deputy prime minister of the Taliban, Abdul Salam Hanafi, has assured that the operation has resulted in no casualties among the insurgents and that they will not allow anyone to foment sedition in the country, according to statements published by the Afghan television network Tolo News .

Last week, the Taliban stormed the positions of Mahdi, a former ally, in Baljab. However, he has not conceded defeat, since only eight of the 72 villages that make up this district are under Kabul control, for which he has announced that the “fight continues.”

For their part, residents of the neighboring provinces of Sar-e Pul have expressed concern about the possible increase in insecurity that these clashes may bring about.

“We hope that a solution will be found, that the violence will not spread and everyone’s voice will be heard,” said Raziq, a resident of Bamiyan province; while Masud Ejtiarai, a resident of Daikondi, recalled that this type of clash has ended on other occasions by causing “more damage” to those who live in the central areas of the country. “We trust this will be considered,” he said.

For their part, organizations such as Amnesty International have highlighted in recent hours the need for the Taliban, “as de facto authorities”, to pursue and put an end to any aggression against the civilian population, after the reports of summary executions that they have met in Baljab.

“The parties to the conflict are obliged to fully observe the laws of war and avoid harming civilians and civilian infrastructure,” Amnesty has claimed on Twitter, from where it has also asked the Taliban not to block the work of the media. communication and humanitarian assistance.

“The free flow of information from the conflict zone must be respected. Blocking the transport of essential needs to reach the communities is a war crime,” Amnesty recalled, calling on the international community not to “close its eyes to the growing human rights violations in Afghanistan” and promote “accountability and an end to impunity”.

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