economy and politics

Talgo confirms having received interest from Sidenor to buy all or part of the company

Talgo confirms having received interest from Sidenor to buy all or part of the company

MADRID 16 Oct. () –

Talgo confirmed this Wednesday that it had received a manifestation of interest from the industrial group Sidenor to acquire all or part of the company’s capital.

This is what the train manufacturer has advanced to the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV), following rumors that appeared this week that pointed to the interest of the president of Sidenor, José Antonio Jainaga, in entering Talgo.

“The company informs that it has received today a letter expressing interest from the industrial group Sidenor, in which it says it is considering the total or partial acquisition of Talgo’s share capital,” says the statement sent to the CNMV.

Talgo’s shares continued on Wednesday the upward path that they began on Tuesday, as a result of the publication of the first information that once again gave oxygen to the company’s situation to increase its industrial capacity.

Specifically, they recorded an increase of 4.9%, to 3.64 euros per share, thus reaching the highs seen at the beginning of September, although still far from the 5 euros offered by the Hungarian group Magyar Vagon to acquire 100%. of the company.

The Basque businessman (Jainaga) thus joins as a new option to solve the industrial future of Talgo and would already be evaluating his possible entry into the company as an industrial partner.

Sidenor, based in Basauri (Vizcaya), is dedicated to the production of special long steels, in addition to being a supplier of calibration products in the European market. It has production centers in the Basque Country, Cantabria and Catalonia, and has commercial delegations in Germany, France, Italy and the United Kingdom.

The search for an industrial partner is something that has been worked on in recent months in Euskadi, where Talgo has a plant in Rivabellosa (Álava), with a staff of nearly 700 workers, not including temporary workers and auxiliary companies that work for the firm. Throughout Spain, the company has nearly 2,500 direct workers.

The Basque institutions themselves, the Basque Government and the Provincial Council of Álava, have confirmed that they are working in a coordinated manner to help in the search for a partner, with the aim of promoting a project that makes it possible to address the planned investments to guarantee , not only the continuity of Talgo, but also the orders to face in the future.

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