
Take care of your health and that of yours without affecting your pocket


Cardiovascular diseases are those that affect the heart and all the arteries of the body. Its main cause is “atherosclerosis”, which is the deposit of cholesterol plaques inside the walls of the arteries, causing their obstruction and compromising the flow of blood to vital organs such as the heart, brain and kidney.

Did you know that both high blood pressure and diabetes are risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases? According to the WHO, cardiovascular diseases continue to be the main cause of mortality on our continent. In Mexico, almost 34% of adults live with high blood pressure. This is mentioned in health surveys carried out in recent years.

What are its causes?

The main cause of cardiovascular diseases are the so-called cardiovascular risk factors:

  • Age (the older the age, the greater the risk).
  • Family history.
  • smoking
  • High blood cholesterol levels
  • High blood pressure (Hypertension)
  • Diabetes
  • Overweight and obesity
  • Physical inactivity and sedentary lifestyle.
  • chronic stress

The good news is that when we control factors such as: not smoking and avoiding exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke, minimizing the consumption of foods high in sugar and salt, staying practically active or periodically checking blood pressure levels, the Cholesterol and blood sugar can greatly reduce the chances of being diagnosed.

When prevention is not enough

We know that it is not always possible to prevent a disease. If you or someone in your family already suffers from diabetes, hypertension or any other chronic condition, it is important to follow appropriate medical treatment.

One of the biggest challenges that many Mexican families face is the high cost of medications, which causes the patient to abandon their treatment or follow it intermittently. And not the entire population has any rights, so many decide to seek treatment from private doctors, as well as pharmacy services.

And since no one needs to carry additional financial pressure, an alternative to cope with this expense is High Specialty Medicationswhich combines several active ingredients in a single pill, so in addition to facilitating the treatment, it also helps reduce the cost by not having to buy several medications separately. You can find these medications in Similar Pharmacies, which have a wide catalog.

Some of the advantages of the MAE of Similar Pharmacies are:

  • Reduction in the number of tablets
  • Ease of prescription
  • Reduction in expenses, because two different medications do not need to be purchased
  • Wide catalog of highly specialized medications.

Remember that combined therapy is the best alternative in the vast majority of patients. And while the cost can be a challenge, investing in your well-being now can save you from more costly complications later. Cardiovascular and other chronic diseases do not have to be a tragic sentence. With good habits and appropriate treatment, with the option of including high specialty medicationsyou can lead a full and healthy life.

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