
Taiwan’s president recalls that no threat will weaken the island’s defense

Taiwan receives another US delegation in full escalation of tensions with China

Aug. 23 (EUROPA PRESS) –

The president of Taiwan, Tsai Ing Wen, pointed out on Tuesday that China’s military exercises around the island threaten the stability of the Indo-Pacific region and recalled that no threat, alluding to Beijing, can weaken the determination of the Taiwanese people to defend their country.

The Taiwanese president has received a US delegation made up of experts from the Hoover Institution at Stanford University to “discuss the security of the island” as well as the stability of the Indo-Pacific.

“The battle of August 23 64 years ago showed the world that no threat can break the determination of the Taiwanese people to defend their country. It was the same in the past, it is as it is now and it will be the same in the future,” he said. explained during the meeting, according to the Chinese version of Voice of America.

The island’s president was referring to the historic event of August 23, 1958, when the People’s Liberation Army launched a large-scale artillery attack on Kinmen Island in an attempt to conquer it.

“We welcome academic exchanges with the United States, which promote awareness and understanding of the shared values ​​and interests of our countries in the region,” the Taiwanese president also noted on her official Twitter profile.

On the other hand, Japanese parliamentarian Keiji Furuya, who is on a three-day visit to Taiwan, has described China’s recent missile launches as “unacceptable” during a meeting with Tsai, according to the CNA channel.

Thus, according to Furuya, China has used the visit of the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, to the island as an “excuse” to promote large-scale military exercises around Taiwan.

“The stability of the Taiwan Strait is important not only for the security of Japan but also for the foundation of the international community,” said the Japanese parliamentarian, adding that Taiwan and Japan should continue to deepen their ties to ensure regional stability, as and how DPA has collected.

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