First modification: 10/25/2022 – 12:52 Paris (AFP) – The American group Meta assured this Tuesday, October 25, that it had resolved the global blackout...
Tag - WhatsApp
Although WhatsApp has become the most widely used instant messaging platform in the country, it has also begun to gain relevant engagement in conversational...
The WhatsApp Help Center also says that only iPhones running iOS 12 and later are compatible with the app. Currently only two smartphones have iOS 10 and iOS...
The Telefónica Movistar company, within the framework of the International ICT Congress, Andicom, presented the study ‘The Importance of Human...
“You will not use our services in a way that is illegal, obscene, defamatory, threatening, intimidating, harassing, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive...
However, so far it is not possible to hide the (online) status, so all users can see if one of their contacts is inside the app. If this update of the app is...