As anticipated, today the original anime of Pokemon after 26 years of uninterrupted broadcast. The final episode was full of memories and beautiful feelings...
Tag - the pokemon company
the original anime of Pokemon It has just come to an end with an episode that left long-time fans of the series happy. Although the farewell was somewhat sad...
There are more than 1,000 Pokémon and all of them can be found in the main titles of the franchise, except for one, Meltan, which only appears in Pokémon GO...
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet they may have had one of the worst launches in series history, but that doesn’t mean the titles presented a bad pitch; on...
If there is a truly beloved Pokémon in the community, it is undoubtedly Snorlax, a normal type character that was introduced in the first generation. Now, it...
Pokemon a few weeks ago it celebrated its 27th anniversary. It seems like yesterday, but today they are celebrating 20 years of 2 of the most outstanding games...
One of the most important franchises in the video game and entertainment industry in general is Pokemon, which continues to surprise with different projects...
We receive interesting news related to Pokemonsince those responsible for the franchise have just announced a new collaboration in which fans of the saga will...
The closure of the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U eShop is just around the corner. In this digital store there are games that will be lost forever, since they were...
After more than 25 years, the anime of Pokemon will say goodbye to Pikachu and Ash Ketchum, since the plans of The Pokémon Company is to show an adventure and...